PULL IN CLIENTS WITH A BRAND STRATEGY – A STEP BY STEP teach guide and workbook on how to build a magnetic brand that pulls people in with clear, differentiated, compelling positioning and messaging.
(VALUE £549)

You get to have a brand that pulls in paying clients without having to rely on marketing to push out messaging to convince people to buy from you.
The Fastest way to build a brand that attracts clients and grows your business without overwhelm, wasted time and thousands spent on advertising.
Attract clients with GET SET BRAND is a step by training on how to be a magnet that draws in the right paying clients using a powerful brand without getting stuck in the trap of having to spend money, and time on marketing pushing out content to convince people to buy from you.
This is the EXACT 4 step process that I have used to build multiple billion pound businesses around the world and has every single action you need to apply to build a strategy brand – all you do is watch and implement the steps as you go along – EASY!
If you are stuck thinking there must be an easier way to build a business and get clients without having to burn yourself out all day every day on social media to get cut-through or spending even more you don’t want to on advertising, then this is for you.
If this makes you feel relief then Get Set Brand is for you!
The Fastest way to build a brand that attracts clients and grows your business without overwhelm, wasted time and thousands spent on advertising.
Attract clients with GET SET BRAND is a step by training on how to be a magnet that draws in the right paying clients using a powerful brand without getting stuck in the trap of having to spend money and time on marketing pushing out content to convince people to buy from you
This is the EXACT 4 step process that I have used to build multiple billion pound businesses around the world and has every single action you need to apply to build a brand – all you do is watch and implement the steps as you go along – EASY!
If you are stuck thinking there must be an easier way to build a business and get clients without having to burn yourself out all day every day on social media to get cut-through or spending even more you don’t want to on advertising, then this is for you.
If this makes you feel relief then Get Set Brand is for you!
The Get Set Brand teach modules are for solo entrepreneurs and small business owners as well as established start-ups and brands who are looking to increase their revenue by having a brand that acts like a magnet to attract the right, buying clients.
You could be from anywhere in the world. Your business could be a product, service, app, skill or experience that you want to turn into a business.
This easy to apply course will enable you to attract the right paying clients with a ‘magnetic’ brand by helping you:
PULL IN CLIENTS WITH A BRAND STRATEGY – A STEP BY STEP teach guide and workbook on how to build a magnetic brand that pulls people in with clear, differentiated, compelling positioning and messaging.
(VALUE £549)
Most people fail in business because they don’t understand just how to build a brand in a way that positions them effectively so they pull in clients rather than have to push out messaging and convince people to buy. You are going to discover everything you need to be able to have brand so that you can attract clients to your product/offer regardless of your level of brand and marketing know-how or niche
Bonuses include:
Brand Basics Teach Module
Many people are misled on what a brand is, often confusing it with marketing. Others think they know and have a brand and in fact they lack differentiation and their ‘story’ is unclear. This then affects all go-to-market messaging and fails to compel people to take action. In this teach module we do myth busting and get the record straight on what a brand is and how it can accelerate revenue and profit.
(Value £489)
In this teach module we will give you a brief overview on top naming tips so you can name your business with intention in a way that sets your brand up for success.
(Value £489)
These check lists have been designed to provide you quick and easy reference hacks to keep you on top of your brand strategy implementation:
(Value £349)
To recap, tell me ….
Are you launching a product and feel caught up in the information on how to build a brand?
Have you started a business and find yourself in brand overwhelm
Are you spending on Facebook ads which are not leading to improved results?
Do you feel that you have a great idea for a product/service but don’t know how to position it?
Are you flipping and flopping on your brand messaging and losing out on your return from marketing spend?
I support female found led businesses future proof and accelerate success for their businesses with branding and growth mindset strategies that allow them to be change makers and realise their dreams of more impact and income.
As an independent strategic brand consultant for the past 20 years I have served over 50 brands creating billions in revenue for brands like MTV, CNN, Westfield, FACEBOOK, L’OREAL, Jaegermesiter, Genpact, Emirates Facebook, Google, Yahoo, adidas, Lacoste.
I have started and grown my own brand design consultancy to 6 digits without making a single sales call!
I now want brand building skills to reach more female entrepreneurs and leaders so that they can have clear, differentiated, compelling brands that act as magnets for their business. I have been dreaming about making this knowledge more accessible for years so super thrilled the day has come for me to bring you this course!
This has got to be the easiest, fastest, most effective way to pin down a brand strategy. The value is beyond immense! I made great progress in the teach modules and loved how fun and simple the process was. I finally have clarity on my brand messaging and feel in control of my brand expression and the results are showing. One of the few courses I have actually enjoyed and completed!
— Tracey Nakhila, Founder
Ozlem’s immense expertise and powerful processes gives you thoughts and ideas that elevate your business. She has the ability to simplify and make easy a process that isn’t always so with excellent facilitation, encouragement and positivity. She is a true visionary that enables you to unlock what truly makes you unique and implement it successfully across your brand touchpoints to increase your brand value. I would recommend her to anyone looking for more brand impact and income in business.
— Simon Goodison, Director, Smarter Not Harder
In her every decision she is able to see the long-term business impact. The brand messaging was excellent, achieving immediate uptake by customers and enabling us to price premium, delivering positive results for the business.
— Didem Karlidag
Macrocenter (Part of Migros Grup) CRM and Brand Communication Executive
Ozlem’s strategic questioning drove us to think deeper thinking outside the box and push our boundaries, facing challenges constructively with confidence. Her invaluable contribution and attention to detail has been hugely impressive - it's a no brainer'
— Elif Cesar, Co-Founder, Multilocal.co.uk
Identify the vision for your brand
Identify your target audience and avatar
Positioning: What is your competitive advantage and unique value offer
Develop your brand story and communications messaging
When will I have access to the course?
It’s 49 pounds and you own the lot with lifetime access. Incredible value considering how it maximise the ROI on your marketing investment.
You can complete it in one day or spread it out by spending a couple of hours on it for 4 days.
Straight away. You could do it in one day or break it up into daily practice and finish it within a week.
And guess what, you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS!
This course breaks it down into 4 easy and quick steps with checklists and guides to help you along. It’s built for exactly this reason, to make it SIMPLE and make it easy to implement.
The brands that are cool are brands that make change happen, the big brands are the brands that have implemented brand strategies consistently over time to build strong reputation. This will help brands that want to have a distinct purpose in the world and those brands dedicated to building reputation in order to drive engagement and drive revenue as a result. If you do not want to stand for anything different and gain a reputation doing it then this is not for you.
Yes, you don’t need to know your product but what you need is to have a rough idea of having identified a problem you would like to solve, or audience you wish to serve.
Yes, this course will unlock your vision and the values you can bring your brand – in fact it will help you identify a big goal for your brand that is born from your passions, talents and values.
The course is built so that you can get through it quickly in 4 easy steps in pre-recorded teach guides along with workbooks and checklists to help you complete quickly. It is designed for the busy founder, full-time professional looking to start a brand.
If you already have a brand and or are thinking of starting one then this course is for you, see it as your mentor that supports you on your journey to get clear on your brand strategy.
This course is perfect for you if you don’t have a brand and are looking to build one. It will help you identify your vision for your brand, your strengths and the value you can bring the brand as a brand owner, what can make it different in the marketplace and create the brand story and key messaging for your brand communications.
This course requires no previous brand strategy experience and supports those with no experience create their brand from scratch.
Almost 25 years building brands for the biggest brand in the world and running my own 6 digit brand design consultancy serving clients around the world without making a single sales call. I have had the good fortune of working across every category and every continent.
This course has a 24 hour refund policy.
A computer to access your training course which you will do with the login details we will provide you and a printer to print out the worksheets ideally, but you can also work on the worksheet digitally also.
Press buy and go to cart page and check out paying only £49!!!
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Log in and start your GET SET BRAND course today!
Complete your 4 modules and have your brand strategy done in ONE DAY!
Relax knowing your brand is working for you and saving you thousands in marketing spend! Maybe insert a fun icon here!
We don’t believe in get-rich-quick brand strategies or programs. We believe in dedication to serve others with commitment and expertise, adding value and serving others to that they thrive, and that’s what our programs are designed to help you do. As stated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your own ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, programs or strategies. We don’t know you, we haven’t met, yet, and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We’re here to help by giving you our greatest ride and tested strategies to help you build powerful brands that move your business forward, faster and easier. However, nothing on this page or any of our websites or emails is a promise or guarantee of future earnings. Any financial numbers or claims referenced here, or on any of our sites or emails, are simply estimates or projections or past results, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings and outcomes – all numbers are illustrative only. If you have questions, email talk@theresilient.co.uk. We believe integrity and honesty are of the upmost important in life.
Pick my brains for a 60 minute power hour on any of the below topics and lets’ get you out of the foggy woods and into the clear sunshine with a lazer recommendation and clarity on some concrete next steps and priorities.
Watch out for the next upcoming live
Self Love and Resilience Workshop.
A 2 hour workshop to take you closer to unlocking your true potential by teaching ways in which to skillfully manage life’s twists and turns, ups and downs by remaining strong mentally and emotionally, agile and optimistic. REGISTER YOUR EARLY INTEREST BELOW.