Are you a conscious female entrepreneur ready to hone your strategy skills so you can fast-track your growth?

You’ve been managing your brand until but now want to take it up a notch, work with someone to map out priorities and the future of your brand, but you’re not ready to commit budget or time to a deploy a full-time brand consultancy?  

Are you a visionary and conscious female entrepreneur looking to ACCELERATE investment, income and impact?

Get intentional with a resilient strategy that can fast track profit in 2023 whilst preparing you for long-term growth.

Fast track your growth with a 'winning' brand strategy in a
Private Two Day VIP Accelerator

2 day exclusive mastermind and
advisory at full speed

with Ozlem Tuskan

Future Vision Deck
trends, market, consumer behaviour, breakthrough thinking, innovation

Brand Positioning
business model, positioning, product portfolio, brand vision, values and personalty, growth action plan

2 Day Consultancy at
Full Speed

with Ozlem Tuskan

Future Vision Deck
trends, market, consumer behaviour, breakthrough thinking, innovation

Brand Positioning
business model, positioning, product portfolio, brand values

An exclusive two day strategic mastermind to accelerate your profit, investment and future business resilience with a 'winning' brand and 'growth' action plan.

Are you ready for a private one-to-one two day VIP Accelerator to build business resilience with a 'winning' brand and 'growth' action plan?

Whether you have or haven’t received  investment you know you want to build brand reputation. You want to test, explore or validate your ideas. Whether it’s getting clearer on your audience, defining your purpose, locking down your unique selling proposition and market positioning, naming products and services, business model planning or brand communication messaging this private two day intensive gives you the opportunity to tap into world-class brand consultancy while saving you thousands!

You understand that when you supercharge your brand it can result in the ability to charge a price premium of 25%, accelerating profit and sustainability as a result! For you a brand isn’t an intangible asset, it’s a direct asset to your bottom line!

Is this you?

Do you feel your brand’s potential is stuck, you have a loose vision for something greater but just not sure how to lock it down and what to prioritise to get there?

Are you looking to build a bullet proofed brand that will help you raise funding, today and/or in the future?

Do you need a fresh perspective to validate your choices before you invest in implementation?

Are you entering a new market and need anticipation the future?

In short, you’re onto something, but you’re still lacking clarity and results. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Entrepreneurs get too focused on or overwhelmed by checking the boxes that their vision gets stuck in one.

So, fasten your seatbelt while we explore breakthrough ideas to build a profitable, high-growth business!  

Who is this for?

Are you a resilient entrepreneur who feels short on breakthrough ideas?

Do you feel your brand’s potential is stuck, you have a vision for something greater but just not sure how and what to prioritise to get there?

Are you looking to build a bullet proof stategic foundation that will help you raise funding and investment today and in the future?

Do you need a new future proofed perspective that will validate your commercial business choice before you invest in implementation?

Do you have a strategy but need to know how to consistently deliver on it in the face of changing market dynamics and in anticipation of the future?

I understand, but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Entrepreneurs often get too focused on or overwhelmed by checking the boxes that their vision gets stuck in one.

So, fasten your seatbelt while we fast track your growth by building an irresistable brand to accelerate profit.

We can help you create an irresistable brand your clients can’t resist

Brands that are irresistable to their audiences act as magnets that pull in paying clients and customers.

They have ideas that breakthrough the norm.

They are bold, courageous and avoid falling into the ‘me too’ brand trap and trading on price.

They have the ‘wow’ factor that helps them stand out and  consistently deliver great experiences that keep people coming back for more.

They understand and anticipate the future. They identify and speak with early adopters, the early consumers that influence the mass. This helps them respond with the right market positioning, business models, market segmentation, products, services and marketing experiences. They get their value proposition right and know how to position it within the competitive landscape. 

Great brands understand brand values sit at the heart of business. That every decision, interaction, touchpoint and message must communicate these values in order to compel and convert audiences. 

Create An Irresistable Brand Your Client Can’t Resist

Brands that are irresistable to their audiences act as magnets that pull in paying clients and customers.

They have ideas that breakthrough the norm.

They have the ‘wow’ factor that helps them stand out.
They consistently deliver great experiences that keep people coming back for more.

They understand and anticipate the future and respond in accordance with the right positioning, business models, services, products and brand experiences, creative worlds that speak to early adopters – the influencers, the leaders of the pack, where it matters most.

You too can connect the dots to have a straight line to accelerate results.

But to get there you need a strong Brand DNA. Clarity on who you are, your identity and how you bfring it alive verbally and visually across all your touchpoints and experiences.

Who can we help best?

If this sounds like you. I can support you.

Previously Accelerated

What does it give you?

ACCELERATOR gives you the opportunity to:

  1. Anticipate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for your brand, sector and audience with future trend foresight so you can stay ahead, build and further safeguard your success.

2.      Ask brand related questions and get robust insight led advice based on 25+ years of global world-class brand building experience and best-in class brand building knowledge.

3.   Stop second guessing your priorities and get direction/validation for your brand ideas and growth strategy so as to accelerate profit.





Meet Your Wing Lady


Hi I’m Ozlem, but you can call me Oz. I am no wizard but for for OVER 25 years I have had the honor of serving C-Suite leaders of OVER 50+ FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 COMPANIES to build successful businesses by creating powerful brands with magnetic reputation. I was the ex-HEAD OF STRATEGY for THE FUTURE LABORATORY, arguably the leading trend foresight consultancy in the world, where I led the strategic foresight, brand and innovation strategy team  serving brands such as L’Oreal, Google, Facebook,  Adidas, Baileys and Heineken. I also founded an AWARD WINNING BRAND DESIGN CONSULTANCY.

My passion now is to share my knowledge of strategy with female entrepreneurs so that we can all thrive despite discrimination. I am particularly dedicted to supporting women building distruptive businesses looking to create a wealthier, happier or healthier world.

Women led companies deliver more than twice the revenue per pound invested. Data shows that between 2002 and 2014 Fortune 1000 companies led by female CEOs saw 226% higher returns that their S&P counter parts. Due to discrimination, bias and adversity women entrepreneurs had to survive in business, they have learnt to build greater resilience. However despite our clear strengths we are still overlooked when it comes to receiving venture capital funding. Only %2 of venture funding goes to women and less than 0.2% goes to women of colour.

I help women turn their ideas into thriving businesses with strong future-proofed brand foundations, allowing them to grow in their leadership to transform themselves and the world around them.

I’m in! What’s Next?

Step 1

Fill out the ACCELERATOR day interest form…

Please complete the brief interest form so I can learn more about you, your goals and next steps for your business…
We are not selecting but want to know we are right match.
We want to know if you are an ambitious, conscious leader who is really driven to roll up their sleeves and do the work to make impact. If you are ready to chase and make their dream happen.

If we are a fit:

Step 2

Await to hear a confirmation response. Continue through purchase on the cart page and check out following directions on the email.

Step 3

Receive welcome email and log in detail

Step 4

Log in and select ACCELERATOR days to be added to your calendar

Step 5

Show up and do the work, then sit back and relax, knowing you have a resilient brand set to work for your business to drive profit and cashflow!

What’s My Investment?

You have two options to invest in your business:

Accelerator Pack

  • In-depth audit to evaluate your current vision, challenge and current and future opportunities (including consumer foresight research)
  • First day: Future Vision Live session: 2-4 hours
  • Second day: Implementation advisory Live session: 2-4 hours
  • Topline Strategy growth action plan within 3 days with major insights, strategies: Covering future landscape, future opportunity, strategic principles, brand strategy write up, roadmap across with which to implement brand across the business touch-points.

    + 2 week follow up
    + 1 Review implementation session

Accelerator Booster Pack

  • Includes 3 x 4-6 hour in-person follow up session to review implementation, fine tune executions
  • Access to a 60 day follow up feedback via email or voice notes
  • Access to network connections for activation/design/marketing

    + 2 Emails to The Resilient community of female founders and business owners promoting your goods and services

    + Guest speaker on upcoming event

N.b. These are initial launch prices for a limited time only.

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Sign up to our weekly newsletters where we download trends, insight and inspiration on how to build and grow a resilience future-first business.

Subscribe to our newsletter

Sign up to our weekly newsletters where we download trends, insight and inspiration on how to build and grow a resilience future-first business.

Pick my brains for a 60 minute power hour on any of the below topics and lets’ get you out of the foggy woods and into the clear sunshine with a lazer recommendation and clarity on some concrete next steps and priorities.

Watch out for the next upcoming live
Self Love and Resilience Workshop.

A 2 hour workshop to take you closer to unlocking your true potential by teaching ways in which to skillfully manage life’s twists and turns, ups and downs by remaining strong mentally and emotionally, agile and optimistic. REGISTER YOUR EARLY INTEREST BELOW.