Do we Collaborate or Compete?

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Each week we have started a clubhouse room on how to Level up — The 80% Effect, encouraging entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to level up to 80% excellence in order to achieve their desried results. This week’s theme was Collaborate or Compete?

This discussion made it apparent that mindset has shifted from ahypercompetitive ‘win-at-all-costs, crush-your-enemies’ thinking to one where #collaboration is now one of the strongest competitive advantages in business for the future.

A lot of this shift is driven by the purpose seeking, truth demanding and inclusive mindset of Gen Z’s and Millennials who are gaining a growing share of voice in business…

But it goes beyond this…

What we seek for our lives has fundamentally changed since covid.

People are looking for deeper and more meaningful levels of engagement with each and businesses.

And we know that the joy of victory is the most transient of emotions there is.

Today victory looks very different. 🌟

We feel victory when we feel the joy of meaningful connection. Covid has taught us that this above all is what the game called life is actually about.

When we connect to create happier, healthier and wealthier lives then we all win.

Collaborating for a greater good is key to creating that sense of connection. However, it’s a new territory.

In her book, The Long Win, Cath Bishop says:

‘All too often cooperation has been misdefined in school as obeying instructions. And, genuine cooperative effort in the school context has been construed as distraction or even cheating. Time and time again, sharing information and discussing answers together is forbidden behaviour throughout childhood and remains uncomfortable unless consciously rethought later.’

As a result we default to being task-focused and results-driven. We are creative beings at our core and so to an extent that’s okay.

But it’s less about doing something harder and faster.

It’s less about coming out on top at the expense of others.

It’s about doing something for the BETTER. 💛

And the rules of competition no longer serve as the best rules for this.

…Steal share…

…Win at all costs…

…Put your competition out of business…

…‘How can I be number one by stealing shares’ was a brief I often got. So 90s!

But, with 62% of consumers expecting their brand preference to change permanently before the pandemic ends, brands are NOW having to rethink everything in order to get on the consideration list.

With the rise of erratic spending, brandification by influencers, and how brand choice and trust is now mostly down to how you act in crisis — there is a whole new business world emerging.

The old game is no longer worth playing. The purpose of the game is no longer to win.

But, to be of service. For each other. Creating Together. 💖

A new era of symbiosis is emerging across the field and collaboration is core to this.

We have seen the likes of Burger King offering free advertising space to independent smaller businesses and encouraging their customers to eat at McDo to help the industry as whole.

We have seen Allbirds and Adidas, previously primal rivals, collaborate to create the world’s most sustainable training shoe.

Accepting that success is only possible when you get to share assets and expertise… And, realizing that they cannot do it alone.

It’s almost like this new era of primal branding is emerging where we must unite to fight a bigger threat, the threat of extinction, acting on instinct in the interest of self preservation.

In our discussion next week we tackle ‘sales’ vs ‘purpose’.

Every Tuesday, Neil Schambra Stevens from Mecrury Jam and I share top hacks and knowledge mindset tips for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to level up to 80% excellence to get ahead and build tomorrow’s businesses.

A collaboration born from shared values and a primal instinct that the next generation need to be protected and fast.

Join us again on Tuesday 13th of April.



On Clubhouse

#kindness #resilience #nextgenleaders


Pick my brains for a 60 minute power hour on any of the below topics and lets’ get you out of the foggy woods and into the clear sunshine with a lazer recommendation and clarity on some concrete next steps and priorities.

Watch out for the next upcoming live
Self Love and Resilience Workshop.

A 2 hour workshop to take you closer to unlocking your true potential by teaching ways in which to skillfully manage life’s twists and turns, ups and downs by remaining strong mentally and emotionally, agile and optimistic. REGISTER YOUR EARLY INTEREST BELOW.