Can you believe the first quarter of ’23 is already over!??

What did you achieve, learn and decide for what’s next for you in Q2, 3 and 4 2023 – and beyond?

Join us for a this 60 Minute ‘Passion to Business’ Masterclass to help you take your passions into a vision for a profitable business! 

Chances are you know you need one but…

How do you get clear on you secret sauce?

Knowing that, how do you create a vision for your business?

How do you objectively decide?

How does your vision take you to a profitable power brand – a.k.a business!?

👉 In this session we are unlocking your business vision and show you how to apply it to create a powerful brand.


A powerful vision helps connect you with your intentions and passions. 

Without a clear vision for your business it’s hard to make decisions on how you set up, grow or scale your business.

With a vision based on clear intentions for 2023 decisions become lazer focused, instinctive and easy.

In times of uncertainty, it’s even more critical to be super clear about where you are heading.

Many of us are in execution mode, doing and getting on with making stuff happen but without a vision for the year and beyond it’s super hard to stay on course in context of all the external pressures. 

Glowing Star on Noto Color Emoji, Animated 14.0In this session you will align your leadership and your vision with 4 easy steps to take turn your passion into a profitable power brand, a.k.a business!


 So that you can sit back, relax and execute with force for 2023 knowing you are right on course!



Thriving in Times of Uncertainty  Online Workshop for brand owners and CEOs:

Join us for a special invite to the ‘Thrive in uncertain times’ virtual workshop to celebrate the launch of The Resilient ‘ACCELERATOR’.

During times of economic, political and social uncertainty like the recession we’re now in, most entrepreneurs will enter a fixed mindset, shrink back in investment, play small, and hunker down to wait out the storm. So many of us go into survival mode. But for the brave ones, for the leaders among us, there is another option… to ACCELERATE by unleashing their voice and brand power!

They stand in their passion!

What brand owners need now more than ever is to find more creative ways to build on their brand’s resilience while staying true to their passion and the dream business they want to build.

Investing in your brand is investing in your future. It’s safeguarding your cashflow!!

In this session we will look at:

Pick my brains for a 60 minute power hour on any of the below topics and lets’ get you out of the foggy woods and into the clear sunshine with a lazer recommendation and clarity on some concrete next steps and priorities.

Watch out for the next upcoming live
Self Love and Resilience Workshop.

A 2 hour workshop to take you closer to unlocking your true potential by teaching ways in which to skillfully manage life’s twists and turns, ups and downs by remaining strong mentally and emotionally, agile and optimistic. REGISTER YOUR EARLY INTEREST BELOW.